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Self-Indulgent and Delusional

Self-Indulgent and Delusional

by James Jackson

September 9, 2013

In my opinion, women, particularly American women, are the most self-indulgent, self-absorbed, self-centered, selfish, chauvinistic, and narcissistic creatures on the planet. And they are often delusional as well.

In a society, culture, and system as complex as ours it is absolutely ridiculous to assume that all of the victimization occurs to women and that all of the advantage comes to men. Yet those are the assumptions. Men have plenty to complain about and women have significant powers. It has always been this way, but after 40 years of omnipresent feminism, we all believe the “women good, men bad” propaganda. I suppose this is because of strong remnants of chivalry. Men must be strong and never complain. Men must always protect and help women. This is a sexist attitude that women, including feminist women, have encouraged and demanded instead of placing where it belongs, in the dustbin of history.

Women have tremendous power in society today. This often results in talk of their superiority. At the same time and often concerning the same topics, women complain constantly about victimization, even when men and other groups are victimized more. I suppose this constant focus on women's victimization is a result of their hyper-narcissism---they are constantly focusing on themselves. But it results in women chauvinistically gaining even more power and attention. This hyper-narcissism also leads to much hypocrisy---women think they deserve to operate under different rules than men.

Women can be quite delusional. Of course, men can be delusional too. But since women control much of society, their delusions are accepted while men's are ignored or shunned. Probably the biggest current delusion brought to us by women and feminism is the idea of the "patriarchy," that men have conspired to devise a culture that oppresses women. This is right up there with Bigfoot and the faked moon landing as far as ridiculousness goes, but because women dominate society, it is accepted as true. Another similar delusion that is increasing in popularity is the idea of "rape culture," which basically blames rape on all men and everything they do. Other commonly known delusions brought to us by feminism include: domestic violence increases on Super Bowl Sunday, domestic violence is the biggest cause of birth defects, men were allowed to beat their wives with a stick as thick as their thumb, domestic violence results in 35% of women's emergency room visits, 150,000 American women die of anorexia each year,[1] and women make 80 cents for every dollar a man makes for the same work.[2] Feminism was also greatly influential in propagating the lies of snuff films (women allegedly killed in porn films,[3]) repressed memory syndrome, and satanic ritual abuse.[4]

Women control most of the media. They control all advertising media (television, radio, internet, newspapers, magazines, etc.) because women make the decisions on most product purchases---some say 80% of purchases are selected or influenced by women.[5] This forces all advertising media to focus on women and pander to them. Another way to say this is that one gets power not from making money, but from spending it. So women's constant complaining about only making 80 cents to men's dollar is totally irrelevant. Men spending only one-quarter of what women spend would be a far more meaningful complaint. But women demand that we focus on women, and women's complaints get them more power, more money to spend, and more attention. So self-centered.

Evidence of women's dominance in advertising media is obvious. Television is becoming more and more female-centric. Daytime talk shows and soap operas have always been aimed at women. But prime-time shows are now focused on women as well---singing, dancing, real housewives, mistresses, and bachelor shows are examples. Sit-coms usually consist of women laughing at goofy men. Even morning and evening news shows now present a minimum of hard news, but are filled with human interest stories, gossip, and women's news. Yet women still complain of too few female writers or female directors or female network CEOs---as if these things are more important than the content. So delusional. They must find something to complain about---to get more power and attention for women. They cannot admit to this or any other dominance over men, since they derive so much power from their perceived victimization. So chauvinistic.

Television advertising also shows this bias toward women. Almost all goofy, stupid, wrong, incompetent, and criminal characters in TV ads are male. A current Progressive Insurance ad[6] makes the point. It shows a goofy Progressive Insurance box at a wedding. Of course the box has a male voice. The box praises the bride as a "mighty fine Mrs." for her frugality concerning her choice of insurance. But then the box hypocritically excoriates the groom for his frugality, accusing him of being cheap for not buying the bride a more expensive ring, and embarrassing him in front of everyone. Apparently, frugality is a great quality except when a man buys a woman a gift. The ad has been playing for months, yet I bet most women have missed the hypocrisy. So self-indulgent.

TV ads also show an interesting phenomenon: ads for men's products (e.g., Cialis, Axiron, AndroGel, Trojan) often show men and women in the ads. But ads for women's products (e.g., cosmetics, Oxytrol, Osphena, Prolia, Estroven, Premarin, Vagisil) usually only show women. It appears men are influenced to buy men's products for the benefit of women as well as themselves. But selfish women are not so generous---women's products are just about women. So self-absorbed.

The situation is similar with magazines. Most magazines are for women. The website,, lists 396 magazines for women and 60 magazines for men. Also consider the content in magazines. Women's magazines almost exclusively show pictures of women (e.g., Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Shape, Vogue.) Many men's magazines have pictures of both men and women (e.g., Men's Health, GQ,) while some men's magazines also have mostly pictures of women (e.g., Playboy, Maxim.) I understand why men like to look at women, but why do women like to look at women? Women are so narcissistic.

The internet also shows such a pattern. It was invented by men, but its content has been taken over by women. Just look at,,, news sites like and, and other such sites to see how they focus on gossip, celebrity, and women. So selfish.

The Film Industry is one medium that is not influenced so much by advertising. And therefore, it seems women do not control it to the same degree as other media. But it seems women must control everything, because women are constantly complaining about men's dominance in this medium and demanding more women's movies. But do these women really have a complaint? Film critic, Wesley Morris, found that 17 out of 40 (43%) summer movies this year are women's movies.[7] Is that really so bad, considering that summer is usually the time for more male-oriented movies? What is the percentage in the winter, when women's movies are more prevalent? Women must complain about something. (This just in. The September 12th Hollywood Reporter notes that the receipts for this summer’s movie season were down 15% from last year, and were the worst in 17 years if accounting for inflation.)

Women from the Women's Media Center complained when they noticed that only 9% of the top-grossing 250 movies in 2013 were directed by women.[8] This is another delusional complaint. Again, quality is more important than the gender of the director. People generally select movies because of their quality, although I am sure some chauvinistic women do only attend movies directed by women. But lack of diversity may be the reason so few top-grossing movies are directed by women. Director Gina Prince-Bythewood has said that female directors (including herself) tend to make only women's movies,[9] thereby cutting in half the number of ticket purchasers. It appears male directors do more to put both genders in theater seats. Female directors are so self-absorbed.

Government and politics are other areas controlled by women. I suppose this is because there are more female than male voters. In the 2012 election 9.8 million more women than men voted.[10] This is why both the Democratic and Republican Parties are falling over themselves to pander to women. This is why there are so many laws and governmental agencies devoted to women. Even though men are victims of violence more often than women and the gap between men and women is growing,[11] we have the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) giving female victims special treatment. Even though women make up 57% of college undergraduates,[12] we have the Women's Educational Equity Act promoting education for women and girls. Even though Title IX is supposedly gender-neutral, it has been used almost exclusively to punish men and aid women.[13] The White House Council on Women and Girls was formed immediately upon President Obama taking office. When a group of people tried to form a similar agency for men and boys, the White House rejected it.[14] A search of governmental agencies reveals countless examples of agencies focused on women but few for men. So self-centered.

With all of this favoritism toward their gender politically, women are still deluded enough to complain how few elected representatives are female. They must complain to get more attention. So self-absorbed. But they are robbing attention from others who deserve it more. Women hold 20 U.S. Senate seats.[15] This is about 40% of what they should hold assuming proportionality.[16] But African-Americans only hold two Senate seats---this is only 16% of what they should hold. Hispanics hold 4 Senate seats---25% of what they should. But all of the attention must go to women. So narcissistic.

Another example that shows that women control politics is the constant mention in the news of the female voting gap, which recently has been roughly 10 percentage points in favor of the Democratic Party. Oddly, the male voting gap toward the Republican Party, which has been almost as large as the women's, is rarely mentioned in the media except in a negative way, e.g., "the angry white-male vote." This focus on women is even more remarkable since other groups have much larger gaps that also are rarely mentioned. The voting gap was 87% for African-Americans, 44% for Hispanic voters, and 47% for Asian voters in the 2012 election.[17] But women must be the focus of our attention. So self-indulgent.

Sex is another area where women have tremendous power. Consider all of the powerful men who have risked their careers, their marriages, and the fires of Hell for a roll in the hay. Examples include: Anthony Weiner, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower, Brock Adams, Wayne Hays, Alex Rodriguez, Vance McAllister, David Vitter, Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Larry Craig, David Letterman, Hugh Grant, Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Eliot Sptizer, Mark Sanford, Bob Packwood, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, John Ensign, Jim Gibbons, Mark Souder, George Rekers, and Jesse James. I am sure the list could go on, and on, and on....

What have society and women done to tame this potent female power? Very little. In fact, women seem to be increasing this power and punishing men more harshly for any sexual violations. Current styles in dress are accentuating women's sexual appearance with more skin exposure including breasts, tighter fabrics, better cosmetics, cosmetic surgery, etc. At the same time, women are demanding punishments for men who make them uncomfortable. Women are using their political power to criminalize traditional male sexual behavior. Of course, some extreme sexual behaviors by men deserve legal consequences, but women are constantly trying to expand what is considered criminal.

Sexually, men have traditionally been the initiators, a position that has always put women in a superior position. Women have refused, for the most part, to give up this superiority. Men must still do the initiating. (And then women have the rule that the initiator must pay for the date.) And now men can get into legal trouble if they do not initiate to women's satisfaction, or more likely, if the wrong man initiates. Catcalling and stalking are no longer options for men. If men initiate or do anything sexual in the workplace, they risk sexual harassment charges. Meanwhile, women can be very sexual in their appearance, even at work. So hypocritical.

Catcalling, stalking, and sexual harassment are examples of women trying to make laws more subjective, with a violation that is emotional, not physical. This not only makes the violation almost impossible to know ahead of time, but it is a sexist setup. Since men are raised to be strong and not complain, violators of these laws will almost always be men. It used to be that "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me." But this is not true anymore. Words can be trouble now, if the hearer decides they are. Men can now be held responsible for a woman's emotions.

The situation is similar in schools. Apparently women were not happy with the difficulty of proving sexual violations in court, so rules have been introduced into colleges by the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights that allow colleges to form their own kangaroo courts with few legal restrictions.[18] Men can now be expelled and forever discredited with little more than an accusation of sexual misconduct. On top of this, an open letter from the NCHERM Group,[19] a legal group that specializes in Title IX cases, indicates that women have become so indoctrinated by feminist propaganda that they see sexual violations where they do not exist. This laudable desire to protect women from sexual assault has been turned into the possibility of severe punishment of men for causing minor discomfort in women. So self-indulgent.

Prostitution is another example of this. Women have always demanded that prostitution be illegal in order to protect women's sexual power. But recently, feminists have also demanded that prostitutes be treated as victims who deserve help, while johns are thrown in jail to rot and their property seized by the government.[20] So chauvinistic. But, what is even more amazing is that "normal" male/female interactions have so many aspects of prostitution. Dating is very much like prostitution when men pay for dinner or a show in anticipation of receiving sex. Many jewelry advertisements[21] connect the idea of a man buying jewelry for a woman with the expectation that he will be rewarded with sex. Marriage has traditionally been an exchange of money and sex between a man and a woman with the government and religion acting as pimps. (Even these exchanges are unfair to men because he gives her money, meals, houses, and gifts and then they BOTH receive sex.) Prostitution is OK if it benefits women. So selfish.

How can women be so dominant sexually? One explanation comes from UNLV psychology professor, Marta Meana. In an experiment, she showed pornography to men and women and noted where their eyes focused. She found, as expected, that men looked at the women's bodies and faces. But the women focused on the men's faces, and oddly, also focused on the women's bodies. Women observed the things about women's bodies that created desire in the men's faces. In other words, men lusted women, but women lusted being desired by men. Just how narcissistic can women get? Even Meana confirms it this way---"women's desire is not relational, it's narcissistic."[22] This would explain why women's magazines show pictures of women. It also explains why women's bodies are seen as so much more beautiful than men's in the art world. It also explains why a man flashed by a woman considers himself lucky, while a woman flashed by a man says "Ewwwww!" and calls the police. I wonder if this narcissism crosses over into love. Instead of women loving men, do women only love being loved? That would be the ultimate delusion.

This narcissism appears to also help explain women's rape fantasies. Studies indicate 30-60% of women experience rape fantasies[23] with the vast majority of these women finding the experiences erotic. A review by Carol Thurston[24] of historical romance novels found that 54% contained a rape of the lead female character. A study by Jenny Bivona[25] found that their desirability is a significant factor in why women have rape fantasies. In other words, the man must really desire the woman if he is willing to go to prison to have her. So narcissistic.

This exposes the absolutely impossible position women now demand of men. Women want desirable men to pursue them. Desirable men should even ignore women's false protests.[26] But women do not want undesirable men to bother them. And of course, because women are so coy and unwilling to accept any responsibility for initiation, there is no way for men to know ahead of time if they are desirable or not. Men only discover this when they are charged with sexual harassment or women eventually accept their advances. Women are so selfish and unreasonable.

An example of this even went to the Presidency. In a speech in which President Obama explained the need for persistence in fighting for a higher minimum wage, he said, "That's how I got Michelle to marry me. I just wore her down."[27] In today's environment, this kind of attitude could easily turn into charges of stalking or sexual harassment.

A major tendency of women and feminists is to exaggerate women's victimization. Again, this is probably a result of their hyper-narcissism. For example, recently the media exploded with the issue of rape and sexual assault on campus. The statistic that was highlighted was that one-fifth of college women are raped or sexually assaulted. A closer look into The Campus Sexual Assault Study[28] revealed that 19% of college women reported that a sexual assault was completed or attempted---the statistic for completed assaults was 13.7%. The definition used for sexual assault in the study was so broad that about 60% of the women "assaulted" did not think the incidents were severe enough to report to the authorities. Also, about 50% of the "assault victims" who had been drinking felt that they were partially or fully responsible.[29] These details did not make it into the media frenzy. So delusional.

Something similar occurred with an earlier media explosion concerning the issue of sexual assault in the military. Certainly the implication of all of the media hype was that women in the military were experiencing enormous amounts of sexual assault. Rarely was it mentioned that the survey[30] causing the media explosion found over half of the victims of sexual assault in the military were men. Even when men are the primary victims, we must focus on women victimization. So self-indulgent.

We must also consider that women lie in such surveys. Research by Meredith Chivers, a psychology professor at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, has shown discrepancies between women's bodies and women's self-reports.[31] She hooked up instruments that measured stimulation in men's and women's sexual organs. She showed her subjects erotic movies, recorded measurements from the instruments and asked the subjects their perceptions of stimulation. Men's perceptions jibed with the instruments. Women's stated levels of stimulation did not correspond with what the instruments were showing. Either the women were lying, or perhaps, they did not know.

But consider research by Ohio State psychology professor Terri Fisher,[32] who surveyed men and women concerning masturbation and their use of pornography. Participants were divided into three groups. One group handed their answers to an assistant with the implication that the assistant may read the answers. Another group was told that their answers would be completely anonymous. And members of the third group were hooked up to fake lie detectors. Men's answers were roughly consistent across all three groups. But women's answers varied. Women hooked up to the fake lie detector answered about the same as the men. Women who were expecting anonymity answered with lower numbers. Women who thought their answers might be read by the assistant answered with even lower numbers. Fisher completed a similar survey concerning number of sexual partners and found similar results---the numbers given by the women hooked up to the fake lie detectors were about 70% higher than those who thought a survey assistant may read their answers. She was diplomatic about the results and said, "Women are sensitive to social expectations for their sexual behavior and may be less than totally honest when asked about their behavior in some survey conditions.” But, hey, it is lying, and we must assume delusion in any survey of women's sexuality, unless the survey uses lie detectors. When one considers the letter from NCHERM that I mentioned earlier that said that women believed they were sexually assaulted when they really were not, one must conclude that the validity of any survey of women concerning sex is quite suspect.

As Roy Baumeister has pointed out in his book, Is There Anything Good About Men?, throughout human history, men formed large competitive groups, while women joined together in small, intimate communities. Because of this, men constructed human civilization, science, government, and economic systems, while women concentrated on family and intimate social life. Individual men in these large male groups were expendable, while each member of a woman's social community was precious. Perhaps this contributed to women's narcissism. But it certainly contributed to women's demanding nature now. When women joined the work force, they still believed themselves to be precious, even though the macro-economic system did not. The women delusionally blamed the patriarchy for their sudden drop in status, and demanded special support and considerations. Examples include affirmative action, comparable worth, paid maternity leave, on-site daycare, paid leave to care for sick children, 20-hour work weeks for 60-hour-per-week jobs, special support groups, guaranteed re-employment after years off to raise kids, and equal numbers of female CEOs. So self-indulgent.

When Barack Obama was running for the Presidency, he purposely stayed away from racial issues. This avoidance of the subject continued into his Presidency even though he was forced to address race on occasion. If he focused too much on race, I suspect he knew that he would be accused of favoring African-Americans at the expense of all other Americans. The situation is completely different concerning Hillary Clinton and gender. Clinton has blatantly shouted her advocacy for women. The promotion of women and girls was probably her major function as First Lady as well as Secretary of State. She even selected only women to interview her on her new book tour. (Imagine the uproar if Obama had restricted his interviewers to only African-Americans.) And now she wants to be President---probably. She has received no criticism for being so chauvinistic toward women. I have to think that if she becomes President, she will be President for only half of America.

While on the subjects of race and gender, feminists have consistently implied, if not explicitly stated, that discrimination against women has been equal to that of African-Americans.[33] Even though this is completely delusional, women have used this delusion to gain additional sympathy, attention, and power.

Similarly, discrimination against women in other cultures has been used by American women to gain sympathy, attention, and power for themselves. American women exaggerate their own victimization constantly. But they also constantly use the media to highlight the victimization of women in the Middle East, Africa, and in other cultures to justify special treatment for themselves. So self-centered.

Another recent example of feminists twisting and spinning facts to their benefit occurred when Elliot Rodger killed four men and two women near Santa Barbara last May. Rodger was obviously mentally disturbed. But in his "Manifesto,"[34] he explained his reason for the killing spree---he hated men and women for enjoying the sex and love that he could not obtain. I do not know if there is a word for this condition, but it is not "misogyny." And Rodger mentioned constantly throughout the 141 pages of his manifesto this hatred of people who were having sex. However, Rodger also mentioned briefly his experience with the website. The purpose of this website was to counter ideas promoted by pick-up artists. Feminists latched on to this one short paragraph and concluded that Rodger hated women, and that his misogyny, encouraged by the Men's Rights Movement, motivated the killing spree.

Wow! What a delusional jump! First of all, the website is against pick-up artists, who feminists find misogynous. But feminists insisted that the website is also, somehow, misogynous. I guess any non-feminist male group must be misogynous. And again, hating people for having sex is not "misogyny." Besides, Rodger killed twice as many men as women. And he stabbed three of his male victims a total of 134 times---one was stabbed 94 times. Misogyny was not the cause of this tragic event. Then the feminists somehow linked men-against-pick-up-artists with feminism's passionate enemy, the Men's Rights Movement. Obviously, feminists were looking for some way to blame Rodger's killing spree on misogyny and the Men's Rights Movement instead of on his mental problems. Even though this attempt made no sense, because women are in control, their views became the mainstream views, and this delusional cause of the tragedy was prevalent in the media.[35]

In response to this attempt to blame men for the Santa Barbara area killings, some men formed #NotAllMen on twitter, to show that some men are good. Feminists could not allow this to go unchallenged, so #YesAllWomen resulted, which turned into a gluttonous feast of female victimization and narcissism, in which women revealed every slight they ever experienced from men.[36]

Another extreme example of women's views becoming the mainstream views involves the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization which follows hate groups. The SPLC has declared the Men's Rights Movement a hate group.[37] I do not doubt that there are misogynists in the MRM, just as I am sure there are misandrists in the feminist movement. In fact, I believe many of the delusions of feminists that I have outlined above have a basis in their hatred of men. But this misandry is sanctioned and acceptable, and therefore, mostly invisible.

I mentioned earlier that film is one of the few media that women do not control. Apparently, critic Ann Hornaday chose the Rodger's murders to try to get more control for women.[38] She blamed Hollywood for Rodger's problems, saying without evidence that "his delusions were inflated, if not created by the entertainment industry...." She used this accusation to justify her demand that Hollywood employ more women in positions of power. Again, these positions of power should go to those who sell tickets, regardless of their gender. Hornaday's attempt to gain more power for women in the movie industry by delusionally blaming male film directors for a murder spree is despicable.

Hornaday and other feminists complained that Rodger (like a lot of men) had a "sense of entitlement to women's bodies."[63] Of course this is a rather inflammatory way to state it, implying that Rodger felt justified in rape. But Rodger did not express a desire to rape. He expressed a desire to kill all who were having sex. His mental derangement, not an entitlement to women's bodies, caused his murderous rampage. Why would entitlement to women's bodies lead him to hate and kill men? Rodger also expressed a deep desire for love and companionship. Psychology tells us that sex, love, and companionship are basic human needs. To imply that a man desiring these things indicates a desire to rape is so unfair. And delusional. It implies that all men and women are rapists. But this is the delusional and inflammatory rhetoric we get from feminists in order to satisfy their narcissism.

The delusional and ironic aspect of this accusation that men feel entitled to women's bodies is the fact that women control human mating.[39] Women are the choosy sex, making many demands of men. There is no way men would have built the current human mating system. Men must initiate, men must pay, men must get on one knee and beg, men must offer an expensive ring, and men must pay alimony after the divorce. Obviously, it is women who feel entitled in every aspect of human mating. And besides, a pick-up artist website for men is comparable in function to Cosmopolitan Magazine for women---both try to instruct in the mating ritual. It is more hypocrisy from women that PUA websites are seen as bad, while Cosmo is good. And this proves just who feels entitled.

Maybe women are just too sensitive. They see victimization everywhere. For example, Amanda Hess started an uproar when she detailed abuse of women on the internet in a Pacific Standard Magazine article.[40] Many women joined in, complaining about all of the misogynist men who were threatening and sexually harassing women online. But a study detailed on Daily Beast[41] found that men are abused online just as much as women, if not more. This seems to be a common ploy by feminists---use anecdotal evidence restricted only to women to claim general victimization of women, while ignoring comparable evidence showing the victimization of men. So hypocritical.

A common practice of feminists is to demand more rights for women while demanding more responsibilities for men. This has clearly happened concerning reproduction---women have most all rights, while men have responsibilities. For example, after conception women have the right to keep the baby, to have an abortion, to give the baby up for adoption, or to dump any unwanted baby on the firehouse steps. Fathers have no rights, but have responsibilities forced on them by the mothers including possibly 18+ years of child support. This gap in rights is blatantly obvious in the battle cry of abortion---"it's between a woman and her doctor." Apparently doctors have more reproductive rights than fathers. These rights and responsibilities also continue after divorce, where moms usually get child custody while dads get the bills. So selfish.

Women commonly have argued that because insurance companies have paid for Viagra for men, then they must also pay for women’s contraception.[42] Such delusion. Viagra and contraception are not in the same category. One facilitates sex, the other prevents fertilization. Proper comparisons would be between Viagra and Osphena (which insurance companies have paid for) or women’s contraception and condoms (which insurance companies have not paid for.) But this is the logic women put forth and get away with. Of course, with the Affordable Care Act, nearly all of women’s contraception is now paid for by insurance, but men’s condoms still are not. When will men have more contraceptive choices?

Recently, a controversy erupted when a stand-up comedian made a joke about a woman being raped.[43] Of course, one audience member and the feminist community complained that rape is never funny. But apparently rape is always funny when men are being raped. Jokes about men being raped occur all of the time in regular mass media and there are no complaints from feminists. The late night TV shows frequently tell these jokes. The 10/19/13 Saturday Night Live show contained a skit about a man being raped by a Yeti. On the 11/8/13 Tonight Show, Jay Leno made a joke about a male student having sex with the lunch lady. On the 2/11/14 Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon joked about men imprisoned for stealing manhole covers who now needed manhole covers. David Letterman on the 2/14/13 Late Show showed a funny Valentine's Day card from a man's cellmate. But these do not only occur on late night shows. In the comedic movie Horrible Bosses, a man is raped by his female boss. Louis C.K. was beaten and forced to perform oral sex on a woman on his 7/5/14 sit-com. A Jimmy John's ad showed a man mollifying his new cellmates with quick-delivery sandwiches.[44] No controversy erupted over these references to rapes of men. In fact, Willa Paskin at Salon loved the date-rape of a man.[45] So hypocritical.

Joking about rape is bad, but joking about sexual mutilation is worse. During the 4/23/13 Tonight Show, Jay Leno made fun of a man who died of shock when a woman squeezed his testicles---only dogs could hear his screams. Leno also showed on 7/12/13, a video of a teenage boy pranking his parents by claiming his girlfriend was pregnant. Leno gave the boy's mother a pair of hedge trimmers. Leno also joked on 4/26/13 about a woman who cut off a man's penis out of "rage"---Leno joked that he hoped it was out of rage and not just a practical joke. On April 11, 2014, on the Last Man Standing TV sit-com, Eve and her Dad joked about shooting off the nads of squirrels and burglars. Rape and sexual mutilation of men are not only acceptable, they are funny. But that kind of thing is forbidden for women. Rape and sexual mutilation of women are used to highlight women's victimization and to blame all men. So self-centered and hypocritical.

Women's attitudes and media attention toward domestic violence show similar hypocrisy. Solange attacked Jay Z in a hotel elevator. I do not recall that any media report called it domestic violence. Solange did not suffer any legal ramifications. She did not go to jail. The hotel was more concerned about the security breach that allowed the release of the video than the actual violence. And the twitter account that took off immediately was #WhatJayZSaidToSolange, implying that Jay Z was at fault. I imagine that the results would have been very different if Jay Z had attacked Solange.

Here are some quick examples of women's self-indulgence, delusion, and hypocrisy, which vary from the serious to the trivial.

Another indication of women's narcissism is that women often contemplate what the world would be like without men[46]---and it is always nirvana. Some feminists even propose getting rid of men. I do not recall men even contemplating life without women.

Beyonce is the idol of many girls. The main lyric in Beyonce’s song "Grown Woman" is "I'm a grown woman. I can do whatever I want." How can women complain about girls lack of self-esteem when they have role models like this?

Female politicians often complain that they receive unwanted and undeserved attention concerning their appearance. Yet, in any picture of a group of politicians, the men disappear in their black suits, while the women assault the eyes in their red suits, or yellow suits, or green suits, or fluorescent magenta suits. How can women demand special attention with their clothing choices and then complain of sexism when the attention is negative? Because "I'm a grown woman. I can do whatever I want."

Besides, men also are criticized for their clothing choices---President Obama was mocked for wearing a tan suit at an August 28th news conference.[47]

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand recently complained of sexism by fellow Senators for calling her fat. I do not recall any of the many jokes about Governor Chris Christie's or Mayor Rob Ford's weight being considered sexist. So hypocritical.

Norah Vincent in her book, Self-Made Man, found that being a man with all of its assumed privileges and power was not all that great.

Women often complain about any misogyny, but some Women's Studies courses are blatantly hateful and misandrist,[48] sanctioned by large universities, and often paid for with public funds. And many of the women who have taken these courses are now Senators, CEOs, etc.

Schools have always used a female-based model for learning---sit quietly and listen. To make things even worse for boys, many schools have now ended recess and gym, making it even more difficult for many boys to function in school.

The media often highlight any study or evidence that shows that women are superior to men in some way. But studies that show men are superior in any way are usually ignored. In fact, any situation that shows men are better than women at anything usually results in accusations of sexism---men must have an unfair advantage of some kind that needs to be corrected. Similarly, the media usually show women bettering men in any competition. To see this phenomenon, type “superior gender” into google. Many more women's examples will be listed than men's.

Women's magazines often contain quizzes, which offer women more chances to focus on themselves.

Feminists through affirmative consent legislation are demanding that all sexual activity be preceded by explicit permission to perform each specific act at every step along the way.[49] One of the reasons cited for the need for this legislation is that women are often passive and do not say "no" when they want to stop. One would think that the obvious solution for this problem is for these women to grow spines. Instead of a more reasonable system where men and women proceed step by step and each announce limits when they are reached, feminists demand that all responsibility is removed from women and placed on men, which results in this very clumsy and cumbersome sexual procedure. I liken it to two dancers on the dance floor who cannot do a spin, or a lock whip, or a right side pass, or a bridge, or a pull thru, or a tuck turn, or a sugar push until the lead first asks for permission and gets an unambiguous "yes." Ridiculous.

Rochelle Sterling (wife of former owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling) has sued V. Stiviano (girlfriend or former girlfriend? of Donald Sterling) for $2.500,000. Sterling contends that Stiviano "engages in conduct designed to target, befriend, seduce, and then entice, cajole, borrow from, cheat, and/or receive as gifts transfers of wealth from wealthy older men whom she targets for such purpose" (point 5)..."by fraud, undue influence" (point 25.) Also, Stiviano "initiated and participated in a sexual relationship with D. Sterling...." (point 8.)[50] Apparently selfish women can use their sexual power over men to receive meretricious gifts, cars, million dollar condos, etc. And apparently two selfish women having sex with the same man can feel “entitled” to his money and fight over it.

Morgan McLeod, a former NFL cheerleader, who appeared on the latest season of Survivor, was honest enough to admit that she used her looks to get what she wanted from men. (Meretriciously?) She even wondered how Tony could control men as well as he did without having breasts.[51] So many women demand that men stop treating them as sex objects, while so many women simultaneously strive to be sex objects. Because "I'm a grown woman. I can do whatever I want." But you (men) can't.

Women often use their bodies to make political points. A group called the Topless Tour encourages women to disrobe at tourist sites. Members of Mtnbabes motivate women to enjoy the outdoors by taking off their clothing and snapping pictures before mountain scenery. PETA has long taken pictures of nude women to discourage the wearing of fur.[52] Other women have used their naked bodies to bring attention to their political causes. But are they really pushing a cause, or are they just expressing their narcissism?

L'Oréal has long had an advertising campaign toward women which plays to their self-indulgence with the slogan "Because I'm worth it." L'Oréal also has a kid's campaign with the slogan "Because we're worth it too." Guess who is left who is not worth it.

Similarly, anytime the phrase "women and children" is used, chances are very good that men are being disparaged. The phrase usually means women and children are being put at some higher level that requires special attention.

When a wife and husband are arguing, he must sleep on the couch. Why is this? It shows her selfishness, his chivalry, as well as who is dominant. Plus, she gets the whole bed to herself. This would seem to encourage her to start arguments. (Psychologist John Gottman has said that wives start 80% of arguments.[53]) Why don't wives alternate who gets the couch? Because "I'm a grown woman. I can do whatever I want."

We must constantly talk about how few women there are in math, science and technology. And we must do everything to increase the numbers of women in these fields.[54] At the same time fields where women dominate, e.g., library science, psychology, nursing, bookkeeping, and human resources, receive no such pressure to diversify.

Feminists have long taken critical views against science and logic as male-oriented, and therefore, invalid. They also have adopted post-modern views that everything is relative. These perspectives have allowed women to deny hard science, and to favor their feelings as the truth.[48] This has resulted in much nonsense in the pursuit of their chauvinism.

Women often complain of the pay gap (women make only 80 cents to the average man's dollar.) The implication is that the gap is all due to discrimination, but many studies have found that most of the gap is due to people's choices and little is due to discrimination.[55] Also, we seldom hear of other pay gaps. For example, the pay gap for African-Americans is 72 cents, and it is 62 cents for Hispanics.[56] Shouldn't we be more concerned about these gaps? And what about the death gap, where 93% of deaths occurring at work are of men?[57] But no, we must address the problems of selfish women.

The kidnapping of about 200 Nigerian schoolgirls by Boko Haram was a worldwide media sensation recently. Everyone was concerned about the schoolgirls. But the approximately 169 Nigerian schoolboys who were brutally slaughtered received little attention or concern.[58] Boko Haram has also killed over 1000 people in Nigeria. But the media and the world have been programmed to only care about females.

Even though the justice system is heavily loaded against African-Americans and men[59] (divorce, child custody, longer prison sentences for the same crimes, etc.,) women formed Gender Bias Task Forces in states to examine the sexual discrimination against women in the courts (sexual jokes, pet names, clothing discrimination, etc.)

I mentioned earlier that women do not lust after men so much, but lust being desired by men, instead. Well, I suppose women do lust after men's bodies to some degree. But the expression of that lust always seems to be hypocritical. Men are discouraged to catcall, but women do it all of the time when a hunk is introduced on a daytime or late night talk show. Men should not go to strip clubs but women can have a fun night with the Chippendales. Men should not use pornography, but women can read the best-seller, Fifty Shades of Grey. Because "I'm a grown woman. I can do whatever I want."

Valentine's Day is a day of romance and love for men and women. However, Eve Ensler apparently could not handle all of this love going to men, so she came up with V-day instead, in which women get together to complain about the violence men perpetrate against women.[60] She turned a day of love and romance into a day of hate and narcissism.

Women have done an excellent job of eliminating nearly all men-only groups by accusing them of being sexist. But oddly, women-only or predominantly female groups have proliferated at the same time that men-only groups were forced to diversify. The number and variety of women's organizations is impressive. Groups include the Women's Bowling Congress, Commercial Real Estate Women, Project Sparkle International, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Women In Prison, American Women in Radio and Television, Christian Women of Elegance, National Association of Orthopedic Nurses, National Women's Hall of Fame, Women in Film and Video, as well as more well-known groups such as the National Organization for Women, and the American Association of University Women. But few men's groups exist. The hypocrisy is staggering.

I have noted events or activities in my community that are women-only or men-only. These events have included women's classes, women's workshops, girls' runs, women's bike rides, women's art walks, community girls' night outs, charitable benefits for women and women's organizations, women's concerts, women's expos, mother’s day freebies, women's awards ceremonies, and a strongman competition. The women-only events have numbered approximately 60 per year, while the number of men-only activities average only two per year. Oddly, only the men's activities have received complaints of being sexist. Because "I'm a grown woman. I can do whatever I want."

Audiences occasionally groan at jokes by stand-up comedians or during monologues on the late-night TV shows. I have noticed that often these groans are the result of jokes about women. Women in the audience are so sensitive, and men in the audience are so frightened, that neither can laugh at jokes that make fun of women.

Last Mother's Day, Starbucks offered free drinks to all mothers.[61] Fathers received no such largesse on Father's Day from Starbucks. I think we all know that if the genders had been reversed, several lawyers would be filing suits.

It appears #EndFathersDay was started on Twitter by men's rights advocates to satirize society's hatred of men. Apparently, many women felt that it was a legitimate campaign by women and offered up examples of bad fathers and reasons for ending Father's Day. I guess there is no satire strong enough to escape women's self-indulgence.

Women are more often the recipients of charity. Serve A Little is an organization devoted to providing car and household repair and other services to "empower" single mothers.[62] Apparently, single fathers need no help. Serve A Little received national attention by being highlighted on NBC Nightly News on May 26th.

Examples of women's narcissism, delusion, and hypocrisy are everywhere. Feel free to add your examples in the comments section. I am hoping that by continually pointing out women's narcissism, delusion, and hypocrisy, that a more realistic assessment of women's power and men's victimization will be established. Maybe I am being delusional.


1. Details of the preceding items in this sentence can be found in Who Stole Feminism? by Christina Hoff Sommers

2. Why Men Earn More by Warren Farrell



5. Big Economic Opportunity in Marketing to Women by Marti Barletta,




9., about minute 33


11., Table 7


13. Tilting the Playing Field by Jessica Gavora, also


15. Senate demographics came from\C%3F%0A

16. I used information from to calculate the percentages

17. I used information from to calculate these numbers



20., also

21., also


23. What Do Women Want? By Daniel Bergner, page 94

24. The Romance Revolution: Erotic Novels for Women and the Quest for a New Sexual Identity by Carol Thurston



27. 9/1/14 PBS NewsHour, at minute 4:20

28. Krebs, C, Lindquist, C., Warner, T., Fisher, B, Martin, S. December, (2007). The Campus Sexual Assault Study. National Institute of Justice,

29., also



32., also What Do Women Want? By Daniel Bergner

33., also


35., as well as




39., page 242









48. Professing Feminism by Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge






54., also

55., also Why Men Earn More by Warren Farrell

56. I averaged the 2010 figures from this site for black men and black women, as well as Hispanic men and Hispanic women to get an estimate of the comparison to white men's median annual earnings.


58., also

59. “Are Female Felons Treated More Leniently by the Criminal Justice System?,” William Wilbanks. Justice Quarterly. Vol 3, No. 4. 1986. Page 519. This article pointed out that males are 165% more likely than females to be incarcerated for the same felony. The African-American/White difference is 19%.

Also these:

“From Initial Appearance to Sentencing: Do Female Defendants Experience Disparate Treatment?”





Rob Amstel -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author
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